
Showing posts with the label Fedora

Problems and Solutions regarding Fedora VM

Hi, This post addresses the problems developers face in Fedora VM in their daily work. How to configure proxies to get internet connection in Guest VM? - Login to Fedora VM. - Click on arrow symbol located next to Battery icon. It may differ according to the flavour of VM     that you use. - Choose Wired Connected -> Wired Settings - Go to Network proxy and click on Settings icon. - There you go!!! Choose option Manual and set Http and Https proxies. Now you could able to access the internet in Guest VM too. Please add your experiences too. It would be helpful for others. find . -name scooter\* - find a file in a directory from a command line sudo mount -t vboxsf projects /home/malathiboggavarapu/Shared - Mounts the folder projects to /home/malathiboggavarapu/Shared in Fedora cp [src][dest] - Copies the file from src to dest mv [src][dest] - Moves the file from src to dest history | grep mount - Find mount from history. If history contains some com...