
Showing posts with the label User level and Repository level.

Git - config

After we install Git, we do find system level configuration file stored at ..\Git\etc\gitconfig Access it using git config --system We also can add or change User or global level configuration and Repo level configuration files. Open Git bash and type in the below git config --global --list Initially it gives 'Unable to read config file; No such file' git config --global "Malathi Boggavarapu" git config --global "" git config --global --list - shows the global config file that was created with above info. cat ~/.gitconfig - shows the content of file git config --global core.editor vim - default editor which is used for opening files or commiting messages while working on git bash. Ex vim, Notepad, etc git config --global help.autocorrect 1 - Ex: Correct autmatically when we type git statsu git config --global color.ui auto - use colors for differentiating the chanegs in a file.