
Showing posts with the label GrpahQl Vs Rest

GraphQL Vs REST and What is GraphQl?

Hi, I am Malathi Boggavarapu working at Volvo Group and i live in Gothenburg, Sweden. I have been working on Java since several years and had vast experience and knowledge across various technologies. In this post we discuss little bit about GraphQl versus REST. My goal here is not to say REST is not good, use GraphQl. It's like more exploration of how we currently fetch data for apps right now and how GraphQl can help and what it does differently. So i want to start with a simple UI component and walk through about how we get data to populate that component. Let's take an example of Shopping cart. See the below picture We need lot of data to render the products in the above picture. So what kind of data exactly we need? If we see the picture we have Cart which hold some Products and each Product have title , descrition , price and bunch of other things and also the Product image which have Url of the image and it's metadata. ...