How to install Portable JDK in Windows without Admin rights

Hi, I am Malathi Boggavarapu working at Volvo Group and i live in Gothenburg, Sweden. I have been working on Java since several years and had vast experience and knowledge across various technologies.

Recently i came across the situation where i want to install JDK in the computer without having administrative privileges. Somehow i sought the problem out and want to share the steps that i have followed to do.

- Download 7-Zip.

Steps to install portable JDK without Administrative Privileges

Step 1
  Download latest version of JDK from Oracle website.

Step 2
  Select the downloaded JDK exe and right click on it. From the right click menu, choose 7-Zip ->     'Open archive'.

Step 3
  After the JDK archive is opened using 7-Zip, inside the folder .rsrc\1033\JAVA_CAB10\111 you        will find file.

Step 4
  Extract to your desired JDK directory. Ex: C:\Java\JDK

Step 5

 Now open windows command prompt and go to the root of your JDK directory where the   directory is extracted. According to our example it should be C:\Java\JDK folder and run the   following command.

for /R %f in (.\*.pack) do @"%cd%\bin\unpack200" -r -v -l "" "%f" "%~pf%~nf.jar"

That's all!!!! Now you have your Portable JDK running on your computer. It is as simple as eating the banana!!!

Hope the information is useful.


  1. jdk-8u191-windows-i586.exe

    >%JDK_PORTABLE%\bin\javac -version

    Error occurred during initialization of VM
    java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object

  2. Can you please make an unlisted youtube video for this process? Thanks a lot!


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